The Breastfeeding Cafe: Mothers Share the Joys, Challenges, & Secrets of Nursing
By Barbara L. Behrmann
"This book should be a gift at every baby shower. Dr. Behrmann's wisdom, warmth, and information are heartwarming, reassuring, and practical."
---Christiane Northrup, M.D., author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause
" The Breastfeeding Cafe will become the book of choice for nursing mothers, and for anyone who wants to learn about the awesome experience of breastfeeding for mothers and their babies." -Marilyn Yalom, author of History of the Breast and History of the Wife
"A fascinating mixture of storytelling and information, The Breastfeeding Café wisely and honestly explores the history, culture, and realities of breastfeeding. An inspiring, supportive, and influential book." -Penny Simkin, co-author of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: The Complete Guide
"Here at long last is a guided tour of women's actual experiences with breastfeeding. The Breastfeeding Café offers clinicians invaluable insights, and new mothers-whatever their backgrounds-will find in its pages their own place on the bell curve of the human experience that is breastfeeding." -Diane Wiessinger, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
This candid collection of real breastfeeding stories takes the reader on a fascinating journey through the full range of emotions and circumstances that make up the nursing experience.
Compelling, moving, and diverse, the stories in The Breastfeeding Café---from women all over the country---reveal the nursing relationship in all its complexity and seek to create a culture in which breastfeeding women are visible, accepted, and valued.
The Breastfeeding Café isn't a how-to manual on breastfeeding; instead, it offers a thoughtful forum for women to share their experiences with others. Approaching nursing as a feminist issue and one that is very important to child rearing, the book embraces the wide spectrum of women's experiences breastfeeding their children. Organized thematically and framed within a social and cultural context by a sociologist and former nursing mother of two, The Breastfeeding Café moves the subject of women nursing their children out from behind closed doors. A must-read for clinicians, breastfeeding consultants, and both new and expectant mothers who are curious about the nursing experience in all its variety.
Approved for use in La Leche League International Group Libraries.
Pages: 311
Published: 2005